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Friday, December 30, 2011

Eighteen Interesting Facts

1   The average person who stops smoking requires one hour less sleep a night.
2   The reason honey is so easy to digest is that it’s already been digested by a bee
3    Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die
4   The verb “cleave” is the only English word with two synonyms which Are antonyms of each other: adhere and separate.
5   It cost 7 million dollars to build the Titanic and 200 million to make a film about it. 
6   Human hair and fingernails continue to grow after death
7   The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air 
8   The only 2 animals that can see behind itself without turning its head are the rabbit and the parrot.
9   The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower eyelids
10    The national fruit of India is the mango. The national bird is the peacock
11 I ndia experiences six seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring, summer monsoon, and winter monsoon
12   Each year, about 500,000 detectable earthquakes occur in the world
13    There are 318,979,564,000 possible combinations of the first four moves in Chess
14    There are about 540,000 words in the English language and growing
15    Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump
16   Your thumb is the same length as your nose
17  Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon with his left foot first.
18   The shortest English word that contains the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F is "feedback